Molina Healthcare has a new vendor, Secure Transportation, which will take over services currently provided by Logisticare for Medicaid members on November 1, 2015. MyCare Ohio and Medicare members will start services on January 1, 2016.
Secure Transportation will contract with medical transportation providers throughout Ohio to provide quality “door-to-door” transportation to our members.
November 1 Changes to Facility Transportation for United Healthcare MyCare Members
UHC MyCare Ohio transportation for United Healthcare MyCare Ohio members residing in your facility will no longer be handled by Cooperative Health Partners (CHP). UHC contracted facilities will now be able to arrange transportation through their contracted provider or provider of choice. Transportation providers will then bill UHC directly for reimbursement of those services. This includes MyCare Ohio member hospital discharges, trips from a SNF to physician, recurring trips from SNF to dialysis or chemo, and facility to facility transports.
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