Access Advantage: It's Important to be In Network!

Access Advantage is our Post Acute Care (PAC) Provider Network.
Founded in 2007, our payer services include dedicated relationships with market Medicare Advantage, Commercial and Medicaid plans and outsourced, consolidated services including:
- Critical payer relationship development,
- Strategic, market specific managed care assessment and planning,
- Contracting, legal and negotiation services,
- Rate analysis,
- CMS and ODI plan monitoring and recommendations,
- Renegotiations of existing contracts,
- National Committee of Quality Assurance (NCQA) Credentialing,
- NCQA MD/ADM Committee Reviews of all ODH Surveys/Complaints,
- Ongoing Payer administration – communications monitoring and staff education,
- Eligibility, auth/precert and claims collections services,
- Electronic banking and payment expertise,
- Payer recoupment, analysis and appeal protocols,
- Payer medical records protocol management,
- Payer appeals and arbitration management,
- CMS FWA/MOC Training/Attestation Administration
Access Advantage provides the expert, managed care resource to achieve relationships of value between our providers and managed care Plans.
For more information about Managed Care, click here.
For more information about Membership please call Renee Cummings at (614) 345-5001 extension 250 or