“Things are much smoother with Access Advantage as opposed to other networks we worked with in the past.”
Anthony Wheaton, Administrator
Crystal Care Center of Mansfield
Mansfield, OH
Mansfield, OH
“AA and RHC work well together and we appreciate the service and the extra consideration we receive from you. It's a rare example of a business relationship that is mutually respectful; thank you for making that a reality.”
Deacon Mark C. Yantek, LNHA, Executive Director
Regina Health Center
Richfield, OH
Richfield, OH
"We are very grateful for our partnership with Access Advantage, what a difference!"
Stacy Terrell, Chief Health Services Officer
Kendal at Oberlin
Oberlin, Ohio
Oberlin, Ohio
"We chose to engage Access Advantage primarily to gain traction with new managed care organizations. A single proprietor has little hope of engaging an insurance company who has a “closed panel”. However Access Advantage in their representation of hundreds of beds across Ohio has the credibility and the bargaining power that opens doors and ears. In our first three months we’ve added five important managed care contracts to our portfolio of payors and look forward to engaging more as conditions warrant."
John Stone, Administrator
Merit House Senior Community
Toledo, Ohio
Toledo, Ohio
"Working with Access Advantage allows us to customize our payer activities specific to our needs. Their ability to competitively market Ohio Eastern Star Home to managed care decision makers has resulted in contracts targeted by us."
Michele Englebach, CEO
Ohio Eastern Star
Mount Vernon, Ohio
Mount Vernon, Ohio
“Our relationship is very good with Access Advantage. Any questions are handled promptly and professionally.”
Cathy Walters, Business Office Manager
Crystal Care Center of Mansfield
Mansfield, OH
Mansfield, OH
“Access Advantage is a wonderful organization. Good Shepherd Home has truly benefited by our membership with them.”
Chris Widman, Executive Director
Good Shepherd Home
Fostoria, Ohio
Fostoria, Ohio
"Access Advantage brings value add to the table. We didn’t have that before."
Ann O’Malley, CFO
Kendal at Oberlin
Oberlin, Ohio
Oberlin, Ohio
"As an Administrator and Registered Nurse in the long term care and skilled nursing business for 26 years I have seen a lot of changes. One of the areas most difficult for me to navigate is the insurance and contracting portion. Access Advantage goes above and beyond with tools and reports that make things easier for me and my staff as well as joining us in meetings with payers and assisting us by highlighting our performance which allows us to be competitive with larger facilities and chains in attracting payers and contracts. When Access Advantage is involved in our contracting I feel more confident we are better positioned to be successful! "
Colleen Costello, Administrator
Avon Oaks Caring Community
Avon, Ohio
Avon, Ohio
We love working with heritage-driven providers!
If you enjoyed reading our testimonials and want to learn how we can help you, call us at 877.708.2223.

Renee C. Cummings, CEO
Access Elite • Access Advantage • Access Innovations