Recommendation For CMS To Protect VBP Progress

To protect the progress of the value-based payment reform, the American College of Physicians (ACP) recently reached out to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recommending to extend flexibilities in the Quality Payment Program (QPP) to protect clinicians against long-term effects of the COVID-19 crisis.

For visibility to the proposed flexibilities ACP outlined please see the below.

Medicare Advantage Penetration Continues To Grow – Opportunity For Facilities

Senior living facilities currently show that around 30% of their residents are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan.
We’ve been tracking this for years, noting that MA continues to grow across Ohio’s 88 counties.
Our most recent MA enrollment report shows that Ohio now exceeds 50% MA penetration in some urban counties and 40% in many rural counties.

For more on the ‘Tremendous Opportunity’ that facilities can find by educating themselves on their market see the article below.

We also provide custom reports on payer and penetration information upon request! Contact us today at