Though Congress is not obligated to incorporate such requests into actual policy, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission has asked to reduce SNF funding by $2 billion in 2020.
See more on this from the @skilled_nursing article.
Though Congress is not obligated to incorporate such requests into actual policy, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission has asked to reduce SNF funding by $2 billion in 2020.
See more on this from the @skilled_nursing article.
This year nursing homes should expect to see an increase of 6% in liability claims. This proving to be a big deal for LTC providers whose operating budget will be significantly impacted. This article from @mcknightsltcn details how this will affect them.
ACO’s currently have up to six years to avoid taking risk under the current Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP). However, the “Pathways to Success” proposed by CMS would cut this timeframe to two years. See more on this in the article from @skilled_nursing.
These are very challenging times for SNF’s. This article from @skilled_nursing details out suggestions for smaller SNF’s to stay afloat until the “silver tsunami” arrives.
New reports show that Medicare’s hospital readmission reduction program may be causing an increase in mortality. Also under fire, rewards and penalties based on quality measures, due to their focus on processes rather than outcomes. This article from @modrnhealthcr expounds on whether or not quality incentive programs are working.
Though many are calculating record-low occupancy rates, money continues to flow into skilled nursing facilities. For more on this please see the article from @skilled_nursing.
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