Contracting Updates

This time of year we are working with each Plan on upcoming 2016 changes including:

  • Medigold – will be revising their episodic payment methodology to shorter episodes, and a new quality design in which more highly Star rated SNFs will receive an increased rate. They are actively reviewing their network, advising 1 and 2 Star SNFs may be terminated from their network.
  • United Health Care – will be focused predominately on 4 or 5 Star sites for new contracts.
  • Medical Mutual of Ohio – is launching their 2016 new Medicare Advantage Plan in Ohio. You will be receiving updated information on their Plan, including new electronic marketing flyers for use with your hospitals and MD referral sources.

We will keep you posted as we continue to review each Plan and changes for 2016.

Revenue Cycle Tips & Tricks

Attention Members:

Please remember to send an email to after importing claims to Zirmed. You will receive a confirmation email with the following response: “Access Advantage has received your claims submission request. We are currently reviewing coding specifications to assure clean claim submission to payer. Please allow 24-48 hours for AA review. Please check ZirMed in 48 hours (or two business days) to verify claims submission to payer and review that your claims upload is complete. If additional information is needed prior to submission we will be in contact with you.”

Medical Mutual Room and Board Revenue Code

Per Medical Mutual of Ohio, room and board must reported with a Revenue Code 120. Claims with a Revenue Code 110 are likely to be denied by the payer.

Transportation changes for Molina and United Healthcare MyCare members

Molina Healthcare has a new vendor, Secure Transportation, which will take over services currently provided by Logisticare for Medicaid members on November 1, 2015. MyCare Ohio and Medicare members will start services on January 1, 2016.

Secure Transportation will contract with medical transportation providers throughout Ohio to provide quality “door-to-door” transportation to our members.

November 1 Changes to Facility Transportation for United Healthcare MyCare Members

UHC MyCare Ohio transportation for United Healthcare MyCare Ohio members residing in your facility will no longer be handled by Cooperative Health Partners (CHP). UHC contracted facilities will now be able to arrange transportation through their contracted provider or provider of choice. Transportation providers will then bill UHC directly for reimbursement of those services. This includes MyCare Ohio member hospital discharges, trips from a SNF to physician, recurring trips from SNF to dialysis or chemo, and facility to facility transports.

Click here for more information

Diagnosis Code Reminders and Updates


Reminder that ICD-10 coding is needed after dates of service 10/1/2015. Please note that your Access Advantage membership includes free access to ZirMed’s online coding tools. Please contact Amanda Ratliff or Anna Nelson for more information and demo.


Diagnosis codes 294.10/F02.80 (Dementia in diseases classified elsewhere without behavioral disturbance), and 294.11/F02.81 (Dementia in diseases classified elsewhere with behavioral disturbance) are included in an existing Medicare Code Editor edit, which does not allow these diagnoses to be coded as principal.